Marketers Shouldn’t Walk Away

marketing is a plan

When you think of marketing, what comes to mind? Anymore it’s probably something to do with a website, SEO, and social media. Billboards, print collateral, and media spots (TV, radio ads) might figure in there somewhere, too, but when you start talking marketing with an agency the first thing they’re likely to focus on is your website.

There are a lot of reasons why your website is so important, but your website isn’t the only piece of your marketing. Ideally, all your advertising through other channels leads back to your website and that helps to make a sale, right? But what about those other pieces?

Don’t Focus on Just Your Website

There are a lot of “marketing” agencies that are truly just a web design firm. And there’s nothing wrong with that. They provide great, innovative designs and many even make sure that there’s a true marketing reason behind that. But what happens at the end of that 3-6 month project? Do you keep working with your web design firm to shore up other areas of your marketing, or can they even help with that?

They should be able to.

You see, marketing isn’t just one piece. The great thing about marketing today is that we’ve moved on from hammering a simple message home to really telling your business’s story. You can’t really get that across in just a website or just a billboard anymore. Instead, all of these pieces should work together, blend into the other, and direct eyes to the other to reinforce and tell your story.

Messaging Exists in More than One Place

What you should be looking for with any marketing agency or freelance marketer is that ability to help you tell your story, no matter the medium. Instead of walking away when your website is done, they should be able to help beyond that. Asking those questions of “what’s next” instead of saying “see you later” can lead to a huge transformation of your marketing message as a whole.

Think of it this way. You’ve worked tirelessly for months, coordinating with your agency to get a great website that speaks about you, showcases your benefits, works well, and looks damn great, too. Why would you want all that hard work to exist ONLY in your website?

You wouldn’t. Now’s the time to carry that message and new branding through, to your business cards, print collateral like brochures and even letterhead, to even in-store signage, social media, and even media ads you place.

Your website is not the only place that a prospect interacts with your brand. Making sure you asks those questions of your marketing agency after your project will mean that you’re one step closer to aligning your messaging and marketing across the board. You want it all to be seamless so that no matter where that prospect comes in they understand who you are, what you do, and how you help them solve their problems. Demand more of your marketer, and you’ll be surprised just how much that transforms your business and how customers feel about you.

About the Author

Chrissy Robben

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