Lily Wu for Mayor Marketing Case Study Hexcode Marketing


Lily Wu is a Wichitan well known for her many years of service as a local journalist and news anchor. As someone who had come to know the city of Wichita so well, she set out to become a refreshing, new voice for Wichita by running in the 2023 Mayoral race.


  • Branding
  • Content Marketing
  • Print Design
  • Web Design & Development
Lily Wu Website Hexcode Marketing


Following her decision to enter the mayoral race, we hit the ground running with Lily and her team to quickly strategize the best steps moving forward. After hearing her story and coming to understand her goals for this campaign, we established her brand voice and created a set of guidelines which were implemented into a logo, website design, and a variety of tangible items to be placed throughout the city and handed out at different events to promote her candidacy.


Based on Lily’s compelling story and her drive to run an inclusive, transparent campaign leading up to the election, we worked closely with her and her team to develop messaging that would speak to the entire city followed by a full branding suite that we utilized to maintain consistency in each piece of her marketing.

Lily Wu All for Wichita Branding Hexcode Marketing
Lily Wu for Mayor Wichita Website Design

Web Design & Development

With Lily’s unique and refreshing campaign strategy, we worked to create a website that would reflect that – telling her story and reaching all audiences of Wichita along the way. By using bold, crisp elements, we were able to achieve a clean design that was both intuitive and accessible, yet stood out as a campaign website. Utilizing these elements along with animation throughout the site, we were able to highlight the most important information on each page, and guide users to take action when relevant, regardless of what device they were on.

Lily Wu for Mayor Wichita SEO Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Prior to launching Lily’s website, we wanted to ensure that it would rank well on Google, making it easily discoverable through keyword searches. This process involved writing Meta Data that contained information relevant to each page on the site, adding alt-text that contained keywords on each image, and testing that the site was running at optimal speeds. Since launching, we have continued to monitor analytics and make updates as needed to ensure that the website ranks well through the entirety of the race.

Lily Wu for Mayor Print Design Hexcode Marketing

Print Design

As with any political campaign, a variety of tangible items were required throughout the mayoral race. Our team worked to design a number of marketing pieces including a step and repeat, palm cards, save the dates, billboards, yard signs, thank you notes, remittance envelopes, coasters, stickers, cups, shirts, lapel pins, and more. Many of these pieces were developed in multiple languages to reach as many people as possible throughout the city with Lily’s message. This process was very collaborative to ensure that each piece was accurate and aesthetically unique, yet remained on-brand.

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