
Build a Brand with Us

Hexcode September Blogs_Build a Brand

Contrary to popular belief, you can’t just wake up one day and say “I want to create a business” and POOF! You have everything you need to market your new company. Building a brand from scratch is something we love to do here at Hexcode, and we want to take you on our brand-building journey. So buckle up and get ready to see how we create a brand that encompasses every aspect of your company. Spoiler alert…There’s a lot of research that goes into this.

The Interview

The first thing we do to ensure your brand stands out is interview you. We want to know everything you envision for your company. We want to know your goals, your target audience, and how you want your audience to feel when they see and interact with your brand, and we want to know the person behind the brand. Knowing your core values and mission are important, but if you haven’t made it that far yet that’s ok, we can help with that too, but we don’t want to take any shortcuts, so we’ll be there soon.

The Research

Now that we know all about your business we get to researching. We conduct extensive market research to see what your competitors are doing, how their customers interact with them, and what reviews are being left. Looking at 1 and 2 star reviews helps us understand what your target audience is missing from the competition and helps us bring your brand to a new level. During the research phase, we also ensure that how your customers see your brand and your internal ethos are aligned to help you build trust and credibility the moment you open your doors.

The Design

Once the research is done, we let our creative team loose on designing your logo. Now, there isn’t a good way to go through the actual design process because it’s a lot of starting something not liking it and starting over, then changing things, then trying something new, so if this were an 80’s movie, this is where the quirky musical montage would take place. But, once our designers have the logos ready we have an internal review and typically narrow down to our top 3-4 logos. We have an internal first because typically whoever is starting the company has a hard time looking at things from a consumer’s point of view, so our internal team are outsiders looking at your brand for the first time. Then we will hand over black and white logos so you can choose your favorite design. Why don’t we give you color options? Well, color can change the way you see the logo, and we don’t want color to sway your decision. Don’t worry, that step comes next!

The Messaging

While our designers are busy creating the perfect logo, our copywriters are busy creating compelling messaging for you. We give you everything you need from a long sales message to your tagline. Remember the shortcut we tried to take earlier? If you need help coming up with a mission statement, core values, and vision, we can do that too. We take everything we have so far, your interview, our market research, and our crafty copywriters, and they get to work on describing your product/service so it’s easy for the consumer to understand and captivating enough for them to purchase. Side note- this will happen during the design montage as there is also a lot of starting over, restructuring, and rewriting that happens during this time. We again have an internal review and send you our top 2-3 sales messages and taglines to choose from. If you like a little bit of each that’s ok! We always work with you to ensure you’re happy with your brand and its messaging.

The delivery

Ok! We’re almost to the finish line. You’ve chosen your black and white logo and your messaging. Now we get to add the color. This was more than likely discussed in your interview, so our designers have an idea of how they want to use your color palette. If you don’t have any colors in mind it’s not a big deal, we can choose colors for you based on our market research and creativity. So it’s time for the big reveal. You sit down in our conference room and we get to give you your brand. When your brand is complete you get a brand book that includes:

All forms of your logo

  • One color
  • Full color
  • Full logo
  • Icon
  • Light mode
  • Dark mode

How to use your logo

  • For social
  • For swag
  • For signage

The typography and how to use it

  • What your headers should be
  • What your main body text should be
  • Any other fonts that are part of your brand

All of your sales messaging

  • Mission Statement
  • Long sales message
  • Elevator pitch
  • Tagline
  • Vision

Once this is all approved you are ready to start marketing your brand! This process can take up to 6 weeks and depends on each brand’s needs so it’s not an overnight project. But we guarantee it will be done with the highest level of professionalism and creativity we have to offer.

The Sequel

Ok, so this isn’t really the sequel, but if you want your brand to continue to stand out you need a good marketing strategy, a strong social media presence, a digital ad presence (including streaming ads), and amazing swag. Great news, we can continue our relationship with you and your business to give you all of these amazing services with our expert team. Want more information on working with us? You won’t need an 80’s movie montage to reach us, we’re just a phone call or email away. So what are you waiting for? Let’s start building your brand together!

The End

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